ios - Xcode allocations instrument generations -

I am using the tool on ARC project (run on one device) to ensure that I left any I am cleaning the cleaning, remember. At the end, I'm using the equipment of allotted generations and taking snapshots of my heap 10-20 times for the same action. Am I confused? Development is some time in development 0, and second, some bytes (ranging from some bytes to several kilobytes are never compatible). But usually at least some iterations where growth is 0.

My question is, if my development is sometimes 0, does it mean that my memory management is correct? Or do I still have issues I need? I think it can take several cycles for "drain" for memory, but what about memory that is still allocated and remaining after 10 frequencies?

This seems like a more general question about the interpretation of the instrument, so I have left a specific code. Besides, I have seen it in various stack snapshot scenarios: drag to refresh, view controller Press etc.

EDIT: I've included it.

I would say that if you have several action loops that allot 0 bytes and still win So, you're good at memory management and not leaked.

Enhances what you are looking for (from some bytes to some kilobytes) possibilities with OS or background Apple code that are trying to manage the tasks you are doing. An easy example is that if you bring the keyboard for the first time Apple will be using the Abancax memory, which is never released, so that you will see a "leaked" memory that you did not create. Whatever background code you have, Apple runs it and you can not define what it wants to do with memory. It can cache specific things that are often done so that it will run faster next time. Apple philosophy is smooth running apps so the user experience can be the best that it can be. To do this, what the OS does in the background can be intermittent and can be caused without any memory.

Objects are allocated and check the Hep snapshots for non-release. If you can track those items on your code, then fix it, if you can not do this then it is probably an OS allocation that can either save or not save. As I said a moment ago, if you are getting a lot of 0 growth then I can not worry about it because these intermittent OS increases.
