node.js - How to handle global npm packages after periodic brew upgrade? -

Updating the node on OS X if set with node Homebrew Has been basically visible to my npm -g global packages.

For example, Syntastic of My Vime usually runs jshint on the JS file, but once I update node / It will usually fail in silence.

I am not sure what I should do about it. At the very least I would like to have some sort of alert there.

Here is a list of the global NMP packages you have installed, this will be done after the ending is updating Node.js!

To fix this kind of problem, I'm NVM (node ​​version manager) , Brew node.

  Install uninstalled Node Fluffy NVM  

This line should be .bashrc or .bash_profile

  Exporting NVM_DIR = ~ / .nvm Source $ (Alcohol - Prefix NVM) /  

Install node using nvm

  using NVM 0.10 NVM 0.10 NVM alias default 0.10  

You can see this result

  $ node -v v0.10.30 $ node / user / yourid / .nvm / v0.10.30 / bin / node  
