msbuild - Including extra files on deploy -

I have to include a folder and files in the deployment process. This folder is not part of the project. This folder is built on the build server. I can not include this file in the project.

I found this very helpful.

I have edited my web application csproj file and added it at the end of the file

   & Lt; Include FilesForPackagingFromProject = "% (_CustomFiles.Identity)" & gt; & Lt; DestinationRelativePath & gt; Workplace \ Build & lt; / DestinationRelativePath & gt; & Lt; / FilesForPackagingFromProject & gt; & Lt; / ItemGroup & gt; & Lt; / Target & gt;  

should contain all files from the folder workspace \ build and place it in the deployment directory in one place.

But unfortunately this is not working. I am not very good with MSBild, so I think I'm missing something here.

For example, seeing that your files have a directory named build , Which is at the same directory level, which you can view as a directory:

  & lt; Target name = "AfterBuild" & gt; & Lt; Include CreateItem = "$ (SolutionDir) .. \ build \ ** \ *. *" & Gt; & Lt; Output Task parameter = "Include" ItemName = "Additional files" /> & Lt; / CreateItem & gt; & Lt; Copy source files = "@ (additional files)" destinationfolder = "$ (target dead) build" /> & Lt; / Target & gt;  

This will copy those files to the $ (SolutionDir) .. \ build in the build subdirectory of the output directory $ (TargetDir) Build Whenever the solution is created, modify Include mask, Destination Folder and create the target name according to your needs.
