Put all the files starting with same prefix in a folder in linux -

I have different files in some older data.

They are in the same folder.

These are grouped by the prefix.

I want to move all the files that start with the same prefix in the folder named after the same prefix.

/ Div>

As a starting point, how a LS-1 list of all files, piping all To get unique prefixes, a awk command:

  xxx yyy zzz www ...  

Again, output of Use the prefix directory to create and all files by this @nofl ebrah As suggested by the word awk is suggested through the Commands and Loop:

  mkdir $ {prefix} & amp; Amp; Mv $ {prefix} * prefix  

I am not an over-expert, but on top of my head, I am thinking that anything on the AVP script would be:

  BEGIN {// associative array $ x} {$ x [prefix ($ 0)] = 1; } END {// $ x foreign currency key: print $ key}  
