I am playing with the quick and powerful chocolate clip UI (or trying) with my chocoloteps. Js file But bitter will not create a file for me. The build is really simple, just type "hollow" in the terminal and return the hit.All this will be added to the full version of chalklett-UI folder, including chocolatcapes library, iOS, Themes for Android and Windows, examples for iOS, Android and Windows, and Unit Test for ChalkTekPages. "
Now when I do this, All for the cue Bile get built Platfoms. Now I can use it with JQuery, but chocolatip.js file looks small and works better for app building (please tell me if I am wrong in it)
But I have No Chocolate Tip. Not a file ??
So what am I doing wrong?
Yes, I was right! They now only use JQuery with the UI - I think that is a bit useless, I know that JQuery UI is slow for the mobile app, but JQuery 2 is bigger than my needs so I have to I was searching for what I could learn that would be replaced by both!
But by any means, the UI plugin now works only with Jquery 2.
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