java - Hibernate connection.url in hibernate.cfg.xml - handling mulitple parameters -

Occasionally when I run my app, hibernation indicates about the lost connection to MySQL server. I found a solution on this - The problem is that I have a parameter in my url, add autoReconnect = true to the connection url. & amp; , ? and ; Tried to add one above , but none of them works.

My connection string:

  & lt; Property name = 'connection.url' & gt; Jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / db? Zero datetime bismar = convertoneal; Auto Reconnect = true & lt; / Property & gt;  

instead of just & amp; Amp; Try to use AMP to avoid it XML.

jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / db? Zero Date Timebill = ConvertOnal & amp; Auto Reconnect = True
