Rails 3 No route matches {:action=>"show", error -

There are similar questions on this error, but how many railwayways handle the polygon, this is different.

I have a link on the 'Show' view page in which I need to link to a 'new' action inside a new controller inside a controller named MemberPage which is posted

  & lt;% = Link_to ((content_tag: i, "",: class => "icon-pencil") + content_tag (: span, 'create'), new_members_community_post_path% & gt; Within the path I have  
  resources: post  

which produces the following related line in the rack paths

hover over link show  

Clicking on this causes an error

  No root matches {: action => "Show",: Controller => "Member / community / member_page"}  

Rails match wrong controllers and incorrectly shown in the rake routes

I have a clear matching rule in the routes Have tried to make. RB, example (within members / community namespace)

  match '/ new-post' = & gt; 'Post #new'  

and place the link of the path with it also

 : controller => : Post, action = & gt; : New  

but whatever works
