I used to compare two brown images. I used to display the differences in 'green-magenta'
ColorChannel is used.
I have two problems:
- Some differences between the two pictures are very few. How can I scale ColorChannel that it shows the small difference more colorful?
- Can I hide the original image to see the color better?
When I'm working with changes on grayscale images, The result must be compared. I can be quite useful in creating a shape with four subdivisions of a CDF of the original image, the final image, the difference (subtraction) and the inter-vector.
If most difference image is zero, you can substitute "nan" for it in the plot of that surface, it will only show the noger value.
Percent difference may also be useful, it often takes small changes and scales them for visibility.
So you can create an image of your overlay image, then the same image as a subplate.
Example Code:
I = Fit ('Solarpactra.fats'); I = MAT 2g (I); I2 = emertate (I, -1, 'doubleline', 'crop'); D = (i (:) - I2 (:)); Figure 1); CLF subplot (2,2,1) imshov (i) colorbar title ('original') subplot (2,2,2) imshov (i2) color palette title ('new') sub-station (2,2,3) ) Imasho (I-II2) The title of 'Ranging' ('Difference') Subplot (2,2,4) CDF Plot (D) Title ('ECFF (DIFF)')
You can also find a subset of changes, and increase false false-value increase to improve visibility.
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