C# Winform Auto Refresh: Every 5 Minutes -

I have a C # WinForm application that I need to refresh every 5 minutes.

I have also seen the background worker as well as in the timer class.

I was wondering what is the best way to refresh primarily so that user updates can be displayed without shutting down and reopening the application.

called voting , you timer control.

Step 1: You need to subscribe to the Timer Tick event.
Step 2: Interval timer to 300000 milliseconds to increase the event for every 5 minutes Set the property. Step 3: in the Tick event handler do whatever you want to do.
Step 4: You can call timer1.Stop () method whenever you want to stop the timer.

Note : If you get a stop not timer this becomes infinite if you If you want to stop to be the timer you can timer1.Stop ();

  can call on System.Windows .Forms.Timer timer1 = new system.windows.form. Timer (); Timer 1 Interval = 300000; // 5 minutes timer 1. Tick ​​+ = new system Aventahandler (Timer 1 post); Timer1.Start (); Private Zero Timer 1 Volt (Object Sender, EventArgse E): RefreshMeForm (whatever you like; } Private Zero Refresh MyForm () {// Update Form with Latest Data}  
