I am at ExtJs3.2.
There is a gridpanel with a column which is textField as an editor.
On changing the value in the textfield - I need to highlight the relevant row.
How do I get the 'Owning' line index of the text area?
column: [. .......... {Header: 'Revenue', DataIntex: 'Percent', Editor: New Extension.TextField ({Listeners: {'Change': Work (Field, Newer, Old View) {if (oldview ! = New value) {....... // How do I get line indexes? Ext. Flight (grid.getview). GetRow (line) addClass ('yellow-row');}}} < / Code>
Is there any other way to achieve this?
Can you try below?
var grid = Ext. Grid.GridPanel ({store: yourStore, id: 'mygrid', colmodel: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel ({default: {width: 120, sortable: true}, column: [{id: 'company', header: ' Company Headline: 'Change', {Header: 'Revenue', DataInndex: 'Percentage', Editor: New Ext., 'Company'}, {Header: 'Transformation', 'Company', Width: 120, Form.TextField ({listeners: {'change': function (field, newValue, oldValue) {if (oldValue! = NewValue) {var sel = Ext.getCmp ('myGrid'). GetSelectionModel () .getSelected (); // If you use more than one record, get getSelected console.log instead (sel); }}}}}}}}, SM: new extension. Grid. Row selection ({single selection: true}), width: 500, height: 300, frame: true, title: 'my grid'});
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