Breaking an axis and shortening graphs in R -

I am currently trying to add an axis and shorten X axis to create a BA plot (methcomp's Drawn using) bit neater

I have managed to insert a break using axis.break, but can not exercise how to shorten or remove part of the axis

  library (MethComp) Comp & lt; - read.csv ("HIVVL.csv") Comp. Co & lt; - Meth (Comp, Y = C ("Abbott", "QAgain")) BA. Plot (co, PLT type = "", dif.type = "const", grid = TRUE, eqn = FALSE, repl.conn = TRUE, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i") axis .break (axis = 1, breakpos = 1250000, style = "slash", brw = 0.02)  

show my scale from 0 to 3,000,000, the last data point approximately 1,000,000 so me to 2,750,000 from 1,250,000 brakes needed.
