java - How does TextWatcher.onTextChanged() handle predictive text? -

We choose a prediction when the former DOE-> DOCTOR-> sometimes removes the word and 2 calls Re-insert with, sometimes in a single call.

Please advise.

check link & amp; Refer to the code below given below.

  et1.addTextChangedListener (New TextWater () {@Override Test switch on public zero (foursquanes, int start, int int, int count) whenever you enter a word, Here you will guess which characters are inserted. * /} Override public null before @TextChanged (Charsequences s, int start, int count, int) {// TODO auto generated method stub} after @TextChanged Override public zero) {// TODO auto generated method stub}}); @Setet is recommended as  

OR If you are using TextView to view the text, use AutoCompleteTextView with the code below.

  ArrayAdapter & lt; String & gt; ACustListAdapterNo = New Arrayadapter & lt; String & gt; (MContext, android.R.layout.select_dialog_item, fillAutoCompleteCustomerListNo); ** Autocomplete presentation view list not setset threshold (1); ** Autocomplete and Scope VICUSLIL No.Setadaptator (ACList Adapter No);  

Hope this helps you.
