Send 500 or more SMS at once in android? -

My app needs to send all the phones via SMS to all contacts via a fixed number i.e. SMS. There is an Android phone service accidents on sending an SMS per copy because it has to send multiple SMSs at one time

  {ArrayList < String & gt; ContactObject = getcontacts (); Int contactobjects = contact object.image (); For (int j = 0; j and lt; contact object, j ++) {string msg = contact (j); Send SMS ("- mynumber-", msg); }} Private Zero Send SMS (String Phone Number, String Message) {SMS Manager SM = SMS Manager. Gate Default (); Sm.sendTextMessage (phone number, empty, message, empty, empty); }  

Any solutions?

I do not think it is possible, I have been searching for a way to send texts to many people I am I suggest that you send them in batches of a certain size and wait for them to be successfully sent (using succession broadcast) and then send it to the next batch.

In this way, you will not take over the system.
