java - How do I reduce the size of the JCheckBox icon? -

I have to reduce the size of the JCheckBox item, which does not have any text. So far, I tried to override the methods of getPreferredSize () and getMaximumSize () . Apart from this, there is no change in size of font size or jachexbox. Is there any way to achieve this?

If you are talking about an icon that JCheckBox, then a new one would be best The original image is resized to create a new icon from the image. You can call it yourImage.getScaledInstance (...); By calling the method, you can do it with an image. Once you get a new image, create a new image icon and use it with your jacobox.

For example

  image old image = old icon .getImage (); Image newImage = Old image. Gates Scale Instance (Nudity, NewHead, Image. SCALE_DEFAULT); Icon newIcon = new image (new image); CheckBox.setIcon (newIcon);  
