I am loading data from a string into the webwall using loadDataWithBaseURL. I want to implement a listener who tells me that when the data is fully loaded I can move forward with my code.
I searched a lot but could not find any relevant topic
if (new string (rowData.getResource). GetData ()) = tap) webView.loadDataWithBaseURL ("", New string (rowData.getResource). GetData ()), "text / html", "UTF-8", "about empty"); Use WebViewClient and implement it on page startup, to know the status of the webpage.
progressive progressive progress modern = new progression Show (this); ProgressDialog.setMessage ("Loading webpage ..."); The class extends the custom webclick WebViewLink {@OverridePageFinished on Public Zero (Webview View, String URL) {super.onPageFinished (see, URL); ProgressDialog.dismiss (); } Override public zeros at @powered (WebView View, string URL, bitmap favicon) {super.page starred (see, url, favicon); ProgressDialog.show (); } @ Override public boolean should require override URLloading (webview view, string url) {return super.shouldOverrideUrl loading (see, url); }} Webview.setWebViewClient (new CustomWebViewClient ());
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