c# - ASP.NET not passing credentials to SQL Server when using chrome -

My company is planning to upgrade all our users to Windows 7, and this upgrade to all user browsers on Chrome To do with.

We have several intranet sites using asp.net MVC and MVC webpi. I have set my intranet to trusted domain settings, and I can confirm that when looking at a page in Chrome The User.Identity.Name property is set correctly on my information However, when I try to do something that requires SQL Server connectivity Land, he is complaining about is instantly failed, Anonymous login is disabled.

This is problematic because we want to get our users from IE.

< P> After some digging, it is the best way to handle this issue, to enable the Kerberbors delegation in the registry based on this information from our IT department to implement software policies here:

After adding this key to my registry, I Ina could SQL Server to "hop" of a problem. I hope this helps others because this problem was driving me crazy.
