android - Running apps containing large amount of code -


It seems that there is a limit on some older Android OS (and probably the latest ones) The amount of code that captures each app.

As I've found, the range is on a buffer called "LinearAlock"

About 5-8 MB on 2.2 or 2.3, and I think it's on others 16 or more.


If you have a lot of code (and applications can access this situation), you can get the next error (also reported), app on older device Will not be able to install:

  Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT Please check the logout output for more details, cancel the launch!  

I have found that

One solution is to remove as many codes and libraries as possible, but it is very difficult to do some huge projects.

< / P>

Is it possible to overcome it in other ways?

Is there a free library that increases / decreases the buffer limit?

What is the limit on the new Android versions, if any?

How do other large applications (and games) handle this problem? Do they put their code in C / C ++?

Does the deck files have to solve it dynamically?

The total number of boundary rule references is:

  • A multi-deck approach described in a mid-ground FB / Google article between doing something else, to remove references to unused code at Java level, To see:
