c# - Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized error -

I am trying to display data in my C # windows projects in a datagrid view I am I keep this error.

"Fill: Select Command. The property of the connection has not been started"

There is nothing wrong with that I am doing this here:

  Private Zero form1_load (object sender, event case e) {try {SqlCommand db = new SqlCommand ("select * from Tbls"); SqlDataAdapter sda = New SqlDataAdapter (); Sda.SelectCommand = db; DataTable dbdataset = new datatile (); Sda.Fill (dbdataset); Binding source bsource = new binding resource (); Bsource.DataSource = dbdataset; DataGridView1.DataSource = bsource; Sda.Update (dbdataset); } Hold (Exception pre) {Message Box. Show (ex.Message); }}  

You must assign a SqlConnection object Your SqlCommand object.

  db.Connection = conn;  

Where conn is your SqlConnection object.

Launch your SqlConnection object such as:

  var conn = new SqlConnection (/ * connection string * /);  
