jquery - get the value of variable exist inside the ajax -

I want to validate email, what's wrong with this I'm returning is not working

  $ Validator.Edit Method ("email_exist", function (value, element, rgR) {var x = 0; $ .ajax ({url: '../ signup / validateemail.php', type: 'post', data: Email_address = '+ value, cache: false, success: function (feedback) {if (response == 0) {x ++;}}}); alert (x); if (x> 0) {return false;} Other {Alerts ('these'); Return;} Return right;}, ''); The Ajax method is not as false as the Asilic  

This does not return false, do not wait for it Will be successful event You can do

  async: false  

by making AJAX synchronous but this is not a good method. This will also freeze the browser
