I want to start developing a mobile hybrid app, in which angular, CSS3 and HTML5 can be used . Searching for a framework and finding these two. Both look very good but I could not make a good comparison between them. Anyone can list both pros and cons for
In the context of scalable, a comparison between them, out of box components, compatibility with speed and angular and moving devices will be very useful
One year has passed since both the frameworks were issued. Onson UI currently has 1.2 version stable, while Ionic's final release candidate is in position.
I have worked with both of them, let me give you a brief overview, I also wrote a huge blog article, you will find it at the end of this reply.
I will not give much information about the basic structure; If you have previous English knowledge then you can easily make changes to Ionic or Onsen UI.
Both the frameworks have been built around AngularJS and they are heavily dependent on the instructions, you can easily customize your custom instructions. The onsen UI also has a jQuery support (if you ask me then unnecessary).
Both frameworks support Android 4+, iOS 6+ (some features are available on Android 2.3), Onon UI also officially supports Firefox OS and desktop browsers. There is no official desktop support, but it will still work (it will not be beautiful)
Ionic currently does not support the Windows Mobile Platform (this will be in the future); Onsen UI support is currently in development (from November 2014).
Both frameworks support some types of split view feature so that they can be used for table development.
There is a typical looking flat UI in both the frameworks I like on the eyes and eyes of the onion UI, but this is a matter of personal taste. Both default themes look like iOS 7.
Onsen UI supports native-looking themes for Android and iOS. The ionic framework uses the same theme for all platforms, but some features depend on the platform (for example, tabs look and feel)
In both the frameworks Is a theme theme maker.
Ionic supports SASS while Onsen UI is built around topcoat css library.
Both widgets have large widget support (instructions)
Onsen UI has a better document, it is different in two different places. has gone. The first is a "organ" where you can see different instructions and there is an example of each one that you can use and repeat. The second part is a "guide", where you are guided through the application creation process.
There is a random document (heavy fractured) in the ionic. There is a lack of a real "getting started" tutorial, even if you have the previous AngularJS experience it shows you pieces, but how they are not connected properly.
On the other hand, Ionic has a large community so you can easily get the problem resolved.
The Ionic framework has a great official forum + big stack overflow community at the same time, Onsen UI only uses stack overflow as a help center (I I say this is unsuccessful).
Onsen UI has an HTML5 IDE called Monica IDE (great tool), the ionic IDE is currently in production; You can participate in beta testing.
Ionic's third party plugin community (for example, date picker); I wrote a very large article covering the Ionic / Onsen UI changes,
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