Error while parsing xml with etree python -


I have XML which is 6042 lines of data.

I am doing the parsing with the following code,

  import urllib2 import as the print, lxml.etree 'execution started here' url = "url here Goes "xmldata = urllib2.urlopen (url) .read () root = ET.fromstring (xmldata) Print 'Done' print root for Xin in root: print xin.tag, xin.attrib  

Sometimes it runs successfully, but sometimes it finds the following errors,

  1 lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: Opening and closing tag mismatch: ClinicID line 54 and Location, line 54, column 60016 2. httplib.IncompleteRead: IncompleteRead (read 964 bytes)  

1 explanation for error: I downloaded my xml on this application Is copied and does not show any errors in it clearly it shows that XML is completely free error.

So what am I doing here?

Any help would be appreciated.

Here's my XML format

  & lt; Places & gt; & Lt; Location & gt; & Lt; LocationID & gt; & Lt; / LocationID & gt; & Lt; ClinicID & gt; 111 & lt; / ClinicID & gt; & Lt; Building Type & gt; A type & lt; / Building type & gt; & Lt; Address & gt; Address & lt; / Address & gt; & Lt; Addresses 2 & gt; & Gt; Address 1 & lt; / Address2 & gt; & Lt; City & gt; City 1 & lt; / City & gt; & Lt; State & gt; State 1 & lt; / State & gt; & Lt; Zip & gt; ZIP 1 & lt; / Zip & gt; & Lt; / Location & gt; & Lt; Location & gt; & Lt; LocationID & gt; & Lt; / LocationID & gt; & Lt; ClinicID & gt; 111 & lt; / ClinicID & gt; & Lt; Building Type & gt; A type & lt; / Building type & gt; & Lt; Address & gt; & Gt; Address & lt; / Address & gt; & Lt; Address2 & gt; & Gt; Address & lt; / Address2 & gt; & Lt; City & gt; City 1 & lt; / City & gt; & Lt; State & gt; State 1 & lt; / State & gt; & Lt; Zip & gt; ZIP 1 & lt; / Zip & gt; & Lt; / Location & gt; . . . . . . & Lt; Location & gt; & Lt; LocationID & gt; & Lt; / LocationID & gt; & Lt; ClinicID & gt; 111 & lt; / ClinicID & gt; & Lt; Building Type & gt; A type & lt; / Building type & gt; & Lt; Address & gt; & Gt; Address & lt; / Address & gt; & Lt; Address2 & gt; & Gt; Address & lt; / Address2 & gt; & Lt; City & gt; City 1 & lt; / City & gt; & Lt; State & gt; State 1 & lt; / State & gt; & Lt; Zip & gt; ZIP 1 & lt; / Zip & gt; & Lt; / Location & gt; & Lt; / Places & gt;  


I have downloaded the xml file and have tried to open it locally. It's working without any errors, then why is not it working with urllib2.urlopen (url) .read ()? Any limitations?
