If the form I'm on is in edit mode, and I can copy the sublist (a child custom record) I can not get the list that appears / updates the customer to refresh.
I tried to use the following command, but found that it only works on a static / read-only list. / P> When a parent transaction form is in editing mode, is there any way to apply a sublibib / child record to update its attitude? On my form, I have made my click "Do something" button which is to create hair record. After the record is made, the transaction form does not update the slobilist. When I exit editing mode, the form feels new lines and displays them. Thank you, // Package contents list refresh;
You may have other fields on record that are now Have not been saved.
To do whatever you want, you have to save the record and re-open it with your script.
Try {// database call var var callId = nlapiSubmitRecord (phone, true) with the help of Netsuite is an example:; NlapiLogExecution ('DEBUG', 'Call Record successfully created', 'id =' + call id); // redirect user to newly created phone call nlapiSetRedirectURL ('record', 'phone call', call id, false, blank); } Hold (e) {nlapiLogExecution ('ERROR', e.getCode (), e.getDetails ()); }
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