NetSuite Sublist/child record does not update/refresh in edit mode -

If the form I'm on is in edit mode, and I can copy the sublist (a child custom record) I can not get the list that appears / updates the customer to refresh.

I tried to use the following command, but found that it only works on a static / read-only list. / P> // Package contents list refresh;

When a parent transaction form is in editing mode, is there any way to apply a sublibib / child record to update its attitude?

On my form, I have made my click "Do something" button which is to create hair record. After the record is made, the transaction form does not update the slobilist. When I exit editing mode, the form feels new lines and displays them.

Thank you,

You may have other fields on record that are now Have not been saved.

To do whatever you want, you have to save the record and re-open it with your script.

  Try {// database call var var callId = nlapiSubmitRecord (phone, true) with the help of Netsuite is an example:; NlapiLogExecution ('DEBUG', 'Call Record successfully created', 'id =' + call id); // redirect user to newly created phone call nlapiSetRedirectURL ('record', 'phone call', call id, false, blank); } Hold (e) {nlapiLogExecution ('ERROR', e.getCode (), e.getDetails ()); }  
