I want to draw the offline circle on the geo ordinate in the window, this circle has a range of 1500 meters and it searches the target within this Category
This is my image where I am using width It is a matter of attracting chakra and Heigath but I want to attract the circle using the radius while zooming, circle circle The mother is also affected
and also searches for goals within this category
// double meterpropy = (math.cos (geoLatitud * monastery.pi) / 180) * 2 * Math. PI * 6378137) / (256 * Math. Pov (2, map. Zoom level)); // double radius = 1000 / meterpropixel; Map. Layers Add (New Mappleer) {New Maplever () {Geographic Order = Geo, StatusOrignin = New Point (0.5,0.5), Material = New Oval {Opacity = .4, Fill = New Solid Color Brush (Color), Width = 100 , // radius * 2 height = 100 / etc * 2}}});
Here you can go, you can call it Location in this assistant
The sample is helpful to create a circle outside of the radius in the starting point and meter:
/// & LT; Summary & gt; /// Geo Drawing Assistant /// & lt; / Summary & gt; Public square GeoDrawingHelper {#region Constants /// & lt; Summary & gt; /// kilometer in the ci Earth radius /// & lt; / Summary & gt; Public Constance Double c_EarthRadiusInKilometers = 6367.0; #Dandrian Department # Public public statutes and operators /// & lt; Summary & gt; /// Prepares a circle from the starting point. /// & lt; / Summary & gt; /// & lt; Param name = "center" & gt; /// center point /// & lt; / Param & gt; /// & lt; Ultimate name = "radius" & gt; Radius in the /// meter /// & lt; / Param & gt; /// & lt; Returns & gt; /// See. /// & lt; / Returns & gt; Public static list & lt; Location & gt; CreateCirclePoints (location center, double radius) {double lat = ToRadian (center.Latitude); // radian double LNG = ToRadian (center.Longitude); // radians double D = radius / (c_arth radius inkilometer * 1000); // D = Distance distance places placed on Earth's surface = new list & lt; Location & gt; (); Calculate the coordinates of {// point double brng = ToRadian (x) for (Var x = 0; x & lt; = 360; x ++); Double latrine = monastery Acein (Math.Cin (Lat) * Mathematics.Cos (D)) + (Mathematics.Cos (Latitude) * Mathematics. Sign (D) * Mathematics. (Bronze); Double LNGRD = LNG + Math. Mathematics.Syn (Bronze) * Mathematics Sign (D) * Math.com (Latitude), Monastery (D) - (Math. Sign (Lat) * Math. Sign (Latradiens)); // Add Location Location Add (New Location) (Latitude = Toadgrid (Latrodian), Regdude = Todgrage (LNGRADIENS)})}} Return Place;} /// & lt; Summary & gt; /// For Trishul Convert /// & lt; / summary & gt; /// & lt; Ultimate Name = "radian" & gt; Radion /// & lt; / param & gt; /// & lt; Returns & gt; /// View /// & lt; / Return & gt; Public Static Double Toadgreez (Double radians) {Redeem radian * (180 / Math.PI); } /// & lt; Convert / Degree to the radian measurement. /// & lt; / summary & gt; /// & lt; Ultimate Name = "Degree" & gt; // / Degree /// & lt; / param & gt; /// & lt; Return & gt; /// View ///// Public Static double troupe N (double degree) {return degree * (Math. PI / 180); } #endregion}
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