iis 7.5 - Host a site in local IIS with domain -

I want to host a site on the local IIS 7.5 for internal testing. But I want people to reach the internet.

I rackspace server, I have created with "A" record subdomain.domainName.com and Me In Static IP Address , point to IIS I have self-signed certified with *. Domainname.com is used which can be used for this multiple sites

Now, I have published a site to local directory In and in IIS I created the site with hostname to the same domain for which I have a "A" record created

I http and https binding with Port 80 and 443 same host name .

However, my site is not working

I'm a get an error that "This webpage is not available"

< P> Can anyone help me?

It solved my own

I HTTPS port forwarding in my router software.

In my web-application , each HTTP request is automatically converted to HTTPS . And I forgot to forward the machine to the port 443 request, on which I have set the static IP address and DNS .

My application is working fine on the Internet after adding port forwarding records to the router software
