laravel 4 - Error in php: Creating default object from empty value -

I am having difficulty working properly, probably by the way I am trying to pass ID variables Am process I am using Laravel.

This form includes handling of the function in my view and passing the ID:

  {{form :: open (array ('method' = & gt; 'GET', 'url' = & gt; array ('upload / edit', $ upload- & gt; id))}} {{form: submit ('edit', array ('class' = & gt; ; 'Controller:  
  public function getEdit ($ id) {btn btn-info'})}} {{form :: close ()}}  
< P> $ upload = $ it- & gt; upload- & gt; find ($ id); if (is_null ($ upload)) {Return to redirect (from 'uploads / subulodes');} $ layout- & gt; ; Layout-> Content = View :: Error:

  Make an error appointment default value with an empty value  

error ( Code>

error is here;

  $ layout-> layout -> Content = ..... You can not do this because you do not have a $ layout defined, or $ layout-> layout.   $ Layout = View :: Creating ('uploads.edit', Compact ('Upload'));  

Or if you really want to see your code properly, you can do that;

  $ layout = new stdClass (); $ Layout- & gt; Layout = new stdClass (); $ Layout- & gt; Layout-> Content = View :: Creating ('uploads.edit', Compact ('Upload'));  
