I have a lot of searches and so far did I match the Multiline C comments:
< Pre> \ / \ * (. | \ N) * \ * \ /
but for a text like this:
1 No Comments 2. 3.Oops No Comment / **** A Multilanguage Comment ** / Oops No Comments 4. Oops No Comment / **** A Multilanguage Comment ** / / 5. **** ** Oops is not a comment 6. *** / 7.// another comment 8. Another comment no 9. 10. "/ * Then do not leave a comment * /" 11. A line comment file result in the file looks like this: 1. a comment 2. 2. 3. There is no one comment "11.// A line comment at the end of the file
can someone explain my mistake and let me know right? Thank you!
full code: [Speller]
% option noyywrap% {#include & lt; stdio.h & Gt; #include & lt; stdlib.H & gt; FILE * fout;%} %% \ / \ * (. | \ N) *? \ * \ / %% void main (Int Arjak, char ** argv) {if (argc & lt; 3) {printf ( "\ N Error !!! missing command line arguments"); printf ( "\ n usage exe & lt; inputfile & gt; & lt; Output & gt; "); exit (1);} else {fout = fopen (argv [2]," w "); Yyout = fout; yyin = fopen (argv [1 ], "r"); yy Lakes ();} system ( "pause");}
[/ spoiler]
Try adding a ?
to make it non-greedy: \ / \ * (. | \ N) *? \ * \ /
/ **** A multilanguage comment ** /
/ * *** A multilanguage comment ** ** / 5. ** **** Oops is no comments 6. *** /
/ * No comment * /
If these matches are not correct, please tell us better if should match.
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