I have a VBA script that opens a UserForm to users of different cell addresses to copy other files from a file Able to select. I know sales have been using the RefEdit control to specify, but when i Workbook.Range (UserForm.RefEdit.Value) tries to use
function, then you get me object error Because the RefEdit reference is in the format "'Sheet1'! X #: X #" I know that if RefEdit was only one class of cells then I would get the workbook. Worksheet was Krenj (UserForm.RefEdit.Value) can
, but using VBA script is going to transition multiple files with different files (so I universal workbook. Worksheet
Can not use the string). Is there any limit to using the refit reference?
sub Riwufaaara () copy of the workbook as the string DM Sorsfaa as string, Failpath as dim Folderpath revised FAA Workbook FolderPath = "e: \ MWO file \ "FilePath = Dir (FolderPath and" * .xls ") while FilePath & lt; & Gt; "" Workbooks.Open (FolderPath & amp; "FAA Template.xlsx") set RevisedFAA = Workbooks ( "FAA Template.xlsx") Workbooks.Open (FolderPath & amp; FilePath) set with SourceFAA RevisedFAA SourceFAA = Workbooks (FilePath) FAA_User.Show. ("U2: AD3") = Range (FAA_User control number. Value). Price ending with filepay = dial loop
Try to use it:
range (UserForm.RefEdit.Value)
Remove Workbook
and worksheet
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