Facebook API - how to retrieve "is_verified" pages? -

I am using Java for public page information in Facebook. I have chosen to use Facebook4J yet but it is not necessary that I was able to search for pages named "some names" and I would like to read the page's is_verified property to make sure that it is the official page For which I am searching and not duplicate, there is no verified () method on the page object and I do not use a search API to run an FQL query.

It runs well in the FQ Facebook simulator:

  nominate from page, page_id, name, is_verified, select is_community_page where name = 'tom cruise' and Is_verified = 1  

The Java code is coming to me right now:

  ResponseList & lt; Page & gt; Pages = facebook.search page (person name);  

I tried to paste the FQ in the form of a parameter, because the method is signed

  feedback list & lt; Page & gt; SearchPage (String Query) throws FacebookException;  

But I do not get any results ...

I can not even loop all the 'Tom Cruise' pages and ask if they are verified or not, Because as I mentioned

I appreciate any Java solution, even if it means I should drop Facebook 4J for any other platform.

is_verfied page field has been added with RestFB version 1.10.0.
