node.js - Cucumber JS child_process in feature step -

I am trying to write some CucumberJS attributes, which will test a nodes JS command line application that I am creating , Though I am running in Problems executing a child_process within a feature stage

To get the proof of just the concept, I am trying to execute ls -l

I have a code;

  requires ChildProcess = ('child_process'); Function execCmd () {console.log ('test command ...'); Var bin = childprocess.exec ('ls -l', {timeout: 5}, function (error, stdout, stderr) {console.log ('execution ...'); console.log (error); console.log (Stdout); console.log (stderr);}); Bin.on ('exit', function (code) {console.log ('code:' + code);}); } Module.exports = function () {this.Given (/ ^ I am at command line $ /, function (callback) {execCmd (); callback ();}); }  

Implemented cucumber-js does not do anything with the executable command. The output is as follows:

  test order .... 1 scenario (passed 1) 1 step (passed 1)  

But if I call execCmd () after the function definition, then the module

I have seen, which does not answer the question and only shows how the command should be executed and it is not specific to running within a CaikbariJS stage.

Thank you

I believe this issue is due to some things: / P>

  1. Callback is applied to Given , exit the cucumberjs program before abolishing the original process execution.
  2. Overriding exec () while specifying an 'on' event handler.

    I believe this will solve your problem:

      var ChildProcess = Required ('child_process'); Function execCmd (cb) {console.log ('test command ...'); Var bin = childprocess.exec ('ls -l', {timeout: 5}, function (error, stdout, stderr) {console.log ('execution ...'); console.log (error); console.log (Stdout); console.log (stderr); cb ();}); } Module.exports = function () {this.Given (/ ^ I am at command line $ /, function (callback) {execCmd (callback);}); }  
