c++ - suppress wxFileName::Normalize error messages -

I have the following c ++ code to normalize the user's file path Used:

  wxString orig_path; WxFileName res_path (orig_path); Res_path.Normalize (wxPATH_NORM_DOTS);  



  orig_path = "../../dir1/f.csv"  

I get troublesome error messages:

  error : There is too much ".." in the path 'f.csv'!  


  orig_path = "dir1 /../ dir2 / f.csv"  

Everything Works as expected.


In any way can I suppress those error messages? (Silent flag?).
> I think I can do some coding before calling on Normailze but what's the matter? I do not like to do anything or do not know anything about orig_path Normailze

Use wxLogNull . All calls to the log function have been neglected only during the life time of an object in this class. See.

  please wxLogNull noLogs; WxString orig_path; WxFileName res_path (orig_path); Res_path.Normalize (wxPATH_NORM_DOTS);  
