google adwords - Composer - Checkout package with require_once in it -

I have a problem with a personal Google AdWords API Library version 4.6.0. There are such files in this library, which are required to throw those errors, such as:

  PHP Fatal error: main (): 'Google / Api / Ads / Common / Util / Logger.php ' 

Composer resembles Jones:

  "repository": [{"Type": "Package "", "Package": {"name": "google / adwords", "version": "4.6.0", "source": {"url": "svn-url / 3.3.5 / google_lib /", " Type ":" svn "," context ":" appeal / "}}}]  


 " requirement ": {" google / Adwords ":" 4.6.0 "Autoload": {"classmap": ["vendor / google /"]}}  

Or is there a common way of dealing with the expected _once statement in the library for the composer?

relative Kai

I can not remove the necessary cents because it has a library and When any update comes, all changes have gone.

I have tried to do this:

  "repositories": [{"type": "package "," Package ": {" name ":" google / adwords "," version ":" 4.6.0 "," source ": {" url ":" https: //subversion.unister.lan/keyword - " / "/" / "" "" "" "" "" "" ["Src" / "]}}]," Required ": {" Google / adwords ":" The 4.6.0 ",}  added 

But the Library 'Autoload_classmap.php than classes and can not be found in the library.

Yes, these statements usually depend on the included_path being set correctly, and you It can also do this with the composer

The code will have a better way to fix the underlying problem, i.e. remove these statements.

In addition, your own software should not announce to auto-load for that library, just like what you do now (i.e. declare auto loading inside the seller directory) you can manually package , And the automatic installation of that package should include information as well as path settings. See clever examples in the documentation:
