java - Minimize all applications -

I am trying to minimize all open applications, and I am using the following code:

  public class test {public static zero (string array []) throws exceptions {Runtime.getRuntime (). Exec (new string [] {"cmd.exe", "/ c", "\" "+ System.getenv (" APPDATA ") +" \\ Microsoft \\ Internet Explorer \\ Quick Launch \\ Desktop Show SCF "+" \ ""}); }}  

When I run the code, nothing happens

I am using Windows 7, when I use Internet Explorer for some virus cause PC Open the crash (maybe there is a connection?)

class robot Using this, there is a way to show the desktop.
It follows the square mouse and keyboard input.

robot robot = new robot (); Robot.keyPress (KeyEvent.VK_WINDOWS); Robot.keyPress (KeyEvent.VK_D); Robot.keyRelease (KeyEvent.VK_D); Robot.keyRelease (KeyEvent.VK_WINDOWS);
