ruby on rails - undefined method `t' for Admin::FaqsController:Class -

I have a controller in the namespace administrator in my project and I am using breadcrumbs_on_rails to create breadcrumbs. My Controller looks like this: Module Administrator

  Class Fax Controller & lt; Administrator :: Application Controller includes Falkahlper load_ and_associated_source add_breadcrumb t ('faqs.faqs_list') ,: faqs_path #this line problem def index @faqs = @faqs add_breadcrumb t ('faqs.faqs_list') enddef new add_breadcrumb t ('faqs. New ') End # Other code ending can use the T method in new, edit and other controller operations, but when it is not in the' controller 'action, I have follwoing error:  
  undefined for administrator Method `T ': FAQ Controller: Class  

Any ideas?

I18n.t instead of t Use
