I would like to maintain a large PyTable in an HDF5 file. Generally, as new data comes, I am attached to the existing table:
store = pd.HDFStore (path_to_dataset, 'a') store.append ("data", newdata) Store.close ()
However, if the columns of old archived data and partial partial of incoming new data are only overlapping, this error is returned to the following:
In these cases, I want to get the same behavior as normal dataframe addend function Fill non-overlapping entries PAD A = ("call1": category (10), "cola 2": class (10)} a = pd. Dataframe (a) b = {"nin as b1 < (10), "B2": Category (10)} b = pd.DataFrame (b) a.append (b)
with import pods: Pre> Is it possible to have "memory in", or do I need to create a completely new file?
HDF Store
Store line-oriented, then it is currently not possible
You have to read, attach and write it. Perhaps you can use it:
However, you can initially create a table with all the columns (and just leave them).
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