I retrieve values there from code behind an attempt to submit a post to which the text box when I assume all Are empty My submit button: C # code behind: page loads: OnInt: The value of the text is always "" until I place the text box in the page load first, regardless of the text, if I made any changes to it.
& lt; ICCM: ICCMImageButton id = "btnSubmit" runat = "server" meta: resourcekey = "btnResSubmit" onclick = "btnSubmit_Click" PostBack = "true" style = "float: right; padding-right: 5px;" Tabindex = "23" / & Gt;
protected void btnSubmit_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) {// Code objCmd.Parameters.Add ( "@ FirstName ", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) .Value = txtFName.Text.ToString (); // more code}
btnSubmit.ClickScript = "if (ValidatePage () == false) {return false}; this. disabled = true document.getElementById (this.getAttribute ( 'ControlID') + 'text') innerHTML = '' + Resources.ICCMCPortal.Submitting + '';. ";
btnSubmit.Page = this.Page;
set you inside the values text box here:
protected void Page_Load (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {if (IsPostBack) {SetTextboxValues (); }}
will not reset to PostBit this way.
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