Google Chart HTML Tooltip displays html text -

I have specified HTML toolpops in the option, but it still presents HTML text in tooltips. Html How can I fix this so that it can interpret the HTML result?

I create a data view and set the column like this:

  projectView.setColumns ([0,1, 3, {type: 'string', role: 'Tooltip', Calc: function (DT, line) {var date = dt.getFormattedValue (line, 0); var totalErrors = dt.getFormattedValue (line, 3); var percentage = math. ((Dt.getValue (line, 3) /dt.getValue (line, 1)) * 100); Return '& lt; div & gt; & lt; b & gt;' + Date + '& lt; / b & gt; & lt; & lt ; B & gt; Error Percentage: & lt; / b & gt; '+ Percentage +' & lt; br & gt; Total <&;];;  

More options are like this:

  var options = {width: 850, height: 375, chartieria: {width: '70%', height : '70%', left: 40, above: 25}, Hxis: {Format: 'MM / DD / or'}, vAxis: {Log squal: wrong}, series: {0: {type: 'line'} , 1: {type: 'field'}}, tooltip: {isHtml: true}};  

Then I draw the chart:

  var projectChart = new google.visualization.ComboChart (document.getElementById ('project_chart_div')); ProjectChart.draw (project view, option);    

html property to true In the calculating column for the view:

  projectView.setColumns ([0,1,3, {type: 'string', role: 'tooltip', property: {html: true}, Calc: function (dt, queue) {var date = dt.getFormattedValue (line, 0); var totalErrors = dt.getFormattedValue (line, 3); var percentage = math. ((Dt.getValue (line, 3) / dt .getValue (line, 1)) * 100); Return '
& lt; b & gt;' + Date + '& lt; / b & gt; & lt; br & gt; & lt; ; B & gt; Error Percentage: & lt; / b & gt; '+ Percent +'

Total Errors: & lt; / b & gt; Total + Arar C + '& lt; / div & gt;';}}]));
