My app is using SignalR 1.1.2 on ASP.NET MVC, in the following call it is
This uses an automatically generated hub, at this point all clients and server-side methods have been completed.
Can I get a copy of the 'hubs.js' file when I paste this link into the browser?
I want to add a new javascript file to BundleConfig.cs so that I can reduce this file and try to show my app.
There is hope that someone can give advice, I did this and it starts working, I just want to make sure that I send gear to clients, SSE, for Forever-Frame clients and servers I will not miss the ability to change based on the conversation.
MVC web optimization does not support dynamic scripts. I liked it in my previous project, it does not help with minifying, but you can add static scripts to bundle config
(function ($) {var dynamicScripts = [" Signalr / hubs "," EventAregregation / events "] $ (dynamic link, works () {$ .ajax ({url: this, cache: true, dataType:" script ", async: false});})} } (JQuery));
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