I am unable to install the following question types with my Moodle 1. Drag and drop into text (qtype_ddwtos) 2 I am using Moodle 2.5.4 (Build: 20140113), PHP 5.4.7, MySQL 5.5.27, Apache 2.4.3, XAMPP Server Version 1.8, and I'm using drag and drop mixing (qtype_ddmatch). .1
I downloaded the plugins and opened it again in Moodle-> Question-> After this, if I click on the notifications link Do therefore it is only showing a blank page, please advise me how to proceed and how to resolve this problem and use those plugins.
The idea is to allow "ddmatch" and "ddwtos" folders to 755.
1- Make a duplicate of Moodle-> Question-> type (as you did)
2- CD in this directory:
< Code> CD / OPT / lamp / HTTOCK / MUDAL / QUESTION / type
3- and change the permissions two folder:
sudo chmod-r 755 Ddwtos ddmatch
This has worked for me!
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