node.js - Adobe AIR- connection issues with -

I have a desktop app in Adobe Air (Flex). I communicate with on the node.js server To use the library in your app.

This works perfectly for most customers but for some random clients the Flex app is not able to make connections to server. This throws a constant connection error and close error on Flex Clients are not behind any firewall or proxy server.

As a warning in the console

  Web socket connection invalid  

I think this is for customers who want to connect Not able to.

Since I do not know where to work for most of the users, I do not know where to look. Apart from this, I am unable to reproduce it on my behalf.

Here is the server code:

  var io = require (''). Listen (app); App.listen (8080, function () {console.log (listen on% s,% s,, app.url);}); Io.configure (function () (io.set ('transports', ['flashsocket']); io.set ('flash policy port', 843);});  

Flex code:

  socket = new flash socket (""); Socket.addEventListener (FlashSocketEvent.CONNECT, ONConnect); Socket.addEventListener (FlashSocketEvent. MESSAGE, on message); Socket.addEventListener (FlashSocketEvent.CLOSE, on Diskknekt); // only close and Knekt_ar event is removed always a client socket. AddEventListener (Flassaketivent. CONNECT_ERROR, onConnectError);  

Any help will be highly appreciated .

Use a different port, we are using 443.

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