Jquery plugin for drawing trend for both negative and positive valus -

I have some numbers, including positive and negative, and I want to show them in the format of the line (gender chart or trending). I am very interesting to Grafal and I saw through some examples that it works perfectly with positive numbers, but I did not get any good plug-in to show both positive and negative values ​​like the following:

Is there a good plugin to meet this requirement?

After the text "itemprop =" text ">

you can do this with .

, tested in Firefox, like your example using jqPlot showing a trend with negative points.

I found jqPlot easier to use with more options and better documentation than Flot or grapapel. [DateDocument = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Mercury', 'Thursday', 'Friday'] = [["" 1 " , "-1", "2", "-3", "4"]];; chartHistorical ( 'history', chartData, ticks); function chartHistorical (chartId, chartData, ticks) {var chart = jQuery.jqplot ( chartId, chartData, {animate: jQuery.jqplot !. use_excanvas, seriesDefaults: {renderer: JQuerykjqplotLineRenderer, PointLabels: {show: true}}, range: [{label: 'SERIES1'}], seriesColors: [ "# efa229 "], //" # 245779 ", axesDefaults: {base: 10, // logarithm base. Tick distribution: 'evening', // 'even' or 'power' // 'even' xiil // // (pixel) // // with the axis at space. Neither will. 'Force' means on the basis of these // log will produce Tiks / rising powers.}, AxesDefaults: {tickRenderer: jQuery.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer, tickOptions: {FONTSIZE: '14pt' // Labels font size}}, axis: {Xaxis: {renderer: JQuerykjqplotkCategoryAxisRenderer, ticks: ticks} Yaxis: {// data not // default pad under the category // axis has been scaled As the data has been extended up to 10% and // // to stop data points at / / // grid boundaries below the original category. // here do not want to do padMin: 0, max: 4 min: -4}}, tickOptions: {FONTSIZE: '14pt'}, legend: {show: True, location: 'N', // compass Direction, NW, N, ne, / / ​​E, S, SH, W Xoffset: Legend box // pixel offset from x (or x2) axis. Yoffset: y, (or Y2) axis 12 / / pixel offset legend box / Placement: 'inside'}; cursor: {show: false, Sotolit: true, tooltips Location 'the',}, Grid: {background: 'White'}}); }});
