jsf - Primefaces p:orderList java backing list does not update -

I am currently implementing an orderable list using the components of PrimeFaces, I list the list of items However, it was able to display properly when I saved the list and submit it to the server, so that did not cause reflected in the backing bean again mentioned items. Since the primus showcase was able to see the change, what am I doing?

xll snippet :

  & lt; H: form id = "confirmDialogForm" & gt; & Lt; p: confirmDialog id = "arrangeProjDialog" widgetVar = "arrangeDlg" width = "600" title = "Meeting Order" appendToBody = "true" message = "to drag and drop in order to rearrange the meeting" & gt; & Lt; p: orderList id = "arrangeProjDialogList" value = "# {adminMeetingListBean.orderProjList}" converter = "# {adminMeetingListBean.rowConverter}" var = "Po" controlsLocation = "left" styleClass = "wideList" itemLabel = "# {Po. ProjectTitle} "itemValue =" # {po} "& gt; & Lt; F: Aspect Name = "Caption" & gt; Offer & lt; / F: Aspect & gt; & Lt; / P: orderList & gt; & Lt; p: CommandButton value = "Save" ajax = "true" process = "arrangeProjDialogList @this" ActionListener = "# {adminMeetingListBean.updateProposalMeetingOrder}" onclick = "arrangeDlg.hide ();" & Gt; & Lt; / P: CommandButton & gt; & Lt; P: button value = "Cancel" onclick = "arrangeDlg.hide (); return back ;; / & Gt; & Lt; / p: confirmDialog & gt; & Lt; / h: form & gt;  

backup Bean :

  public void updateProposalMeetingOrder () {if (! SelectedMeeting = nULL) {orderProjTitles.get (0); MeetingService .updateMeetingProjSequence (orderProjList, selected meetings .getMeetingId ());}} is  

list POJO " offer Ordrr " a list of items is its definition:

  public class proposal orderero serializable {Private constant final long serial UID = 501215565 4584965160 L; private Int Dissek; private Int app; private Int assignment; private string riff none; private String Projekttaitl; public int getDispSeq () {return dispSeq;} public void Setdispsik (Int Dispasik) {this.dispSeq = dispSeq;} public int getAppId () {return appId;} public void setAppId (int appId) {this.appId = appId;} public string getRefNo () {return refNo; } Public Zero Starfano (String Phone) {this.refNo = refNo; } Public string getProjectTitle () {Return Project Tyitle; } Public Zero Set ProjectTitle (String ProjectTitle) {this.projectTitle = projectTitle; } Public int getAssignmentId () {return assignment; } Public Zero SetAssignment ID (Int assignment) {this.assignmentId = Assignment; Location class proposer orderer converter converter {personal list & lt; Proposal orderer & order; orderRows; Tap @ Override public object getAsObject (FacesContext context, UIComponent component, string newValue) {if (newValue.isEmpty ()) {return; } (Offer order item: orderrase) {string riff noz = item.gateraphen (); If (refNo.equals (newValue)) {return item; }} Return tap; } @ Override public string millestestring (facess contact reference, UICM component component, object value) {if (value == null) {return ""; } Proposition order line = (offer orderer) value; String output = row.getRefNo (); Return output; } Public listing & lt; Proposal orderer & gt; GetOrderRows () {Return orders; } Public Zero Set OrderRo (List & amp; lt; Proposal Orderer & gt; Orders) {this.orderRows = orderRows; }} Because of  

appendToBody = this problem confirmation dialog "true". Setting it to wrong sets the problem.

See the link here:
