ios7 - Encrypted pdf files crashes on UIWebView in iOS 7 -

I am trying to open PDF file in the steps below in my UIWebView.

self.docViewer is a strong asset.

  self.docViewer.delegate = self; NSURLRequest * urlReq = [NSRR request request with url: [NSUr file URLWithPath: docurl]]; [Self-Dock Weaver LoaderWest: URLC];  

It opens the protected PDF files and password protected files with no problems.

When the file is encrypted, it crashes after executing the delegate methods.

- (zero) webViewDidFinishLoad: (UIWebView *) WebView

with log below

  unsupported security handlers ` Adobe.PubSec '. Falcet decode: decoding error: incorrect header check flake decoded: decoding error: wrong header check 'unsupported security handler' Adobe.PubSec ''  

I checked all the possible methods mentioned in the treads suggested. I did not find any solution, anyone could help me with this accident. Thanks a lot
