javascript - Backbone model attribute error -

I'm just making an archive and call it on, but it's giving the following error. D also (like) on it, but still unable to understand this issue

class MyApp.Collections.ProjectsCollection Backbone my spine version 1.1

I & amp was the .Collection model: MyApp.Models.Project URL '/ projects' category MyApp.Models.Project extends Backbone.Model urlRoot: 'project' IdAttribute 'ObjectId' projects = new MyApp.Collections.ProjectsCollection () projects. fetch (reset: true) here

error to be included in this collection designed hash spine show

  // a model or characteristics_prepare model: function (etter, options) {if (ethers instance of model) {if (Attrs.collection) attrs.collection = this; Return Entities; } Option || (Option = {}); Options.collection = this; Var model = new this.model (attrs, options); If (! Model._delete (ethers, options)) returned incorrectly; Return model; }  

Try it .. projects.fetch ({Reset: true}) < / P>
