This data sheet for this 20x4 lcd module -

Here's my old code for a 16x2 lcd (I know that it's irreversible but I just want to tell How to get help)

  define function define 0x3b def Define 0x0 E. Antrimodeset Define 0x06 ClearScreen 0x01 Defined Secondline 0xC0 Defined Third Line 0x? ? Define the fourth line 0x ?? Reset cursor defined 0x ??  

If one of you is very kind, then you can define hex values ​​for which I will need these functions with 20x4 module.

I did not get those values ​​in that dataset (but not very carefully saw).

If this module uses the standard address style:
Secondline: 0x40
Third line: 0x14
Quarto: 0x54

Reset cursor: 0x02
