osx - Setting Lasso 9 permissions -

I'm trying to configure an OSX meerrier server to run Apache and LASCO. For security and convenience I only want users of a particular "web" group to reach the web root. I have been able to access both the allowed regular users and Apache (_www) files, but I can not manage to set the right permissions for Laoso for my life. I am hoping that someone here can point me in the right direction.

Actually, what I have done is the following:

  create sudo dseditgroup -o web pado dseditgroup - edit o - a _www-u user web pudo dsaid group -O Edit-A _lasso -t User Web Sudo Crapp-R Web WebTot Sudo CMOD-R770 Webtr  

This apparently works for Apache, but any Lasao files only A lasso produces a permissions error:

  An interrupt during a web request Failure error code: 13 error message: Permission denied - // library / server / web / data / sites / ...  

I add _www and _lasso group for the web group Have tried, as well as tried to create a new Lasco installation in the event manager that is "Web".

Strangely, _lasso seems to work on setting the permissions (i.e., not via web group) directly to files or users, to believe that I am creating my ACLs .

A little more information:

  ls -l @ e example.lasso -rwxrwx --- + 1 danielpervan web February February 15:20 example.lasso 0: User: _spotlight allowed to read, execute  

When I have a standard UNIX permissions Up and after that are ACLs, I have had to face such problems. From your post, it seems that there are some ACLs on example.lasso file.

  sudo chmod -rn / path / to / webroot / I will run the following web script to remove  all  ACLs from every folder / file:  

If this does not work, verify that the _lasso user is part of the web group:

  dscl -rade / group / web | Grep GroupmemberShip  
