c# - exception fired in iis but not in visal studio or my local iis -

The problem I have deployed a server to an ASP MVC web application, it does fire a few exceptions, but local IIS or Not in my visual studio

or exceptions:

  // excpetion this: DATETIME date_deb = DateTime.ParseExact (_date_deb, "dd / mm / yyyy", null); Date time date_fin = DateTime Purse AXact (_date_fin, "dd / MM / yyyy", faucet); [FormatException: string was recognized as a valid date and time.] System.DateTimeParse.ParseExact (string, string format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style) 3,200,706 System.DateTime.ParseExact (string, string format, IFormatProvider provider) +31 // Other exceptions here & lt; Object [] & gt; BilansMois = session.CreateSQLQuery (SQL) .list & lt; Object [] & gt; (); Bailymos [0]. Canton ()! = 0 [Argument auto upgrade option: Index was out of range. Must be less than the non-negative and size of the collection. Parameter name: index] System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () +72 System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item (Int32 index) 9,593,284  

Thanks a lot

< You must use culture information in order to comply because its server localization settings should be used for its


DateTime date_deb = DateTime.ParseExact (_date_deb, "dd / mm / yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture). DateTime date_fin = DateTime Paraexact (_date_fin, "dd / MM / yyyy", culture infographic filament);

The second exception, please NULL

  Check if (bilansMois for! = Null) // DO your argument //  
