I'm running 3 node flexible cluster on Windows 2012 server. I have another single Windows 2012 server, which is Marvel Server I have added the Marvel Plugin for all flexible examples and have set the appropriate settings for flexible navigator config for the Marvel Agent.
I'm surprised that when you look like OS stats, seeing the logging from the elastic search example on the Marvel server, the following exception is logged:
: Org.elasticsearch.search.facet.FacetPhaseExecutionException: Facet [0]: (value) field [os.load_average.1m] not found
If it is a known problem or someone else's This is the problem.
Thank you.
After speaking with elastic search consultant @ DavidPilato, this is a known Windows JVM topic is.
Sadly, Windows JVM does not display all the required data in Marvel (and our Node Stats API BTW).
Hope this helps to clarify the problem that Elasticsearch is running on another Windows JVM with another person.
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