escaping - Raw literal strings in Julia -

\ N is interpreted as the escape sequence for the new line.

Is something similar in Julia? Regarding string interpolation like "$ variable" , is there a way to stop it?

I know that anyone can write "a \\ nb" and "\ $ variable" in Julia, but I can use every backslash < To avoid code> \ and dollar $ characters ...

(In Julia, r ". .. " creates a regular expression.)

OK, I just found out Since no one can easily make it in Julia, a pass-through will do one that I would ask Was:

  macro end R_str (s) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; "$ A \ n $ b" "\ $ a \\ n \ $ b" & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print (R "$ a \ n $ b") $ a \ n $ b  

I also found out that this is a «type that is used by the L" Can be made ....

One last question Is there a raw string not worth the word in Julia Base?
