php - best way/tool/language for android game developement for a web developer -

I'm basically a PHP developer, and now I want to learn Android game programming, I have an ADT and Android SDK JAVA tried, but I found Java a little confusing due to its complex OO structure.

I have heard that we can use HTML 5 and Javascript using the phonegap and appelator using mobile games, I know these two languages ​​very well, so I personally Do not want to go to Java.

Can someone suggest me which equipment / language should I start developing my Android game? I have researched in Google and have received many suggestions like ADT-like Android SDK, PhoneGap, Titanium, Corona SDK, GameSlad ...

Thank you in advance ...

So I think that you are going for 2D games. AndEngine is a powerful OpenGL based engine. Take a look for yourself:

In addition to this, you can make great journeys on the Steakxen network and ask your question there again.
