c# - Interaction between Xamarin & Facebook -

I am trying to connect to Facebook using my xamarin app, and then I am posting. I've got this work so far, though, when I use the map layout for the story of my custom graph, then I can not attach coordinates that I need.

I am currently using a dictionary:

  dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; Results = New Dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; {{"Route", "cosgen (path object)", {"location_start", dictionary cognition (point 1)}, {"distance", "5.2"}, {"duration", "01:05:36"}, "Max Speed", "12.4"}, {"Message", "Blogger"},}; Var newRequest = New OAuth2Request ("Post", new Uri ("https://graph.facebook.com/me/tracker:obj"), results, account);  


  private string dictionaryCausjunction (dictionary; string, string> gtk) {var entries = dict.Select (d = Gt; string.Format ("\" {0} \ ": \" {1} \ "", d., String .joined (",", d.well))); Return "{" + string .joint (",", entries) + "}"; }  

It works fine for all objects that can be converted to a string, although I can not use it for GeoPoint archive which I can drag on the root Want to / P>

Does anyone know how this can be done? I have been working for this whole day, and there is no progress.
